There are currently1,155,291 jobsin the Nashville MSA.
About half,574,939,are in Davidson County.
Education Levels
Expected growth rates for occupations vary by the education and training required. While all employment in the Nashville-Davidson-Murfreesboro-Franklin, TN MSA is projected to grow 1.4% over the next ten years, occupations typically requiring a postgraduate degree are expected to grow 1.6% per year, those requiring a bachelor’s degree are forecast to gro 1.7% per year, and occupations typically needing a 2-year degree or certificate are expected to grow 1.6% year.
Educational Profile for Nashville MSA & Davidson County + US comparison
The Nashville Area Chamber of Commerce remains committed to quality public education in the region and has produced some version of this report since 1993. Thank you taking the time to view this year's report.